How To Lose weight -Fast Fat Burn | Healthy Eating | Supplements

How To Lose weight -Fast Fat Burn | Healthy Eating | Supplements

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How To Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off

Healthy Diet Recipes Keep Weight Off

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The solution to weight gain is watching what we eat. To some they make say I always look at my food before I chew it but I still gain weight. That is not what "watch what you eat" means. I means taking account of what the food you consume consists. We are basically what we eat and result of our action determine the size and health of our bodies.

Some of us due to genes are either blessed with a high metabolism and are able to eat and eat and not put on an ounce. There is noting we can do to change the genes we inherit. These are the lucky ones and some may even want to put on a few pounds. These are in the minority. The majority are on the other side of the scale. Just the smell of food start the weight gain. It is said that can be caused by genes also.

How Do You Gain Weight?

The digestive system is intended to break down the food we eat allowing the body to absorb the nutrients we need for day to day living. History has shown in the "caveman days" there were no cars, buses or train and mankind walked to every destination he need to visit. This has change with modern day cars and public transport that have eliminated the need to walk.

Fast living brought on fast food. The fast pace world we live in has change the way and what we eat. Families are no longer preparing their own meals. Parents are working two jobs to make ends meet and simply find it alot easier to buy food than to prepare meals. Back in the day it was a tradition for families to have "Sunday Lunch" that is now a thing of the past. The sad truth is we make choice that eventually that have a negative impact on our bodies.

The digestive system normally takes about two to three hours to digest food. It is also a good practice not to drink while we eat. However many people do not know this fact and always have a tasty beverage at hand with their favorite meals. That habit is compounded when you eat and drink then go to bed before the food has been digested. That is a good option if you want to gain weight, however most people want the total opposite.

What can I do to lose weight and keep it off?

Losing weight and keeping it off must be done holistically. That means it must be a commitment to a
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lifestyle change. No diet plan, diet pills, Zumba, exercise plan or any other weight loss system can work on it's own. The man in the mirror must want to lose weight and keep it off. The following are some option/tips that can make a difference:

  • Information - The food lables tell us what the contents contain. Products that are high in sodium and preservatives are bad options
  • Fried Foods - The oils used to cook these foods are not good for your body. When oil is hot it is in liquid form. When it gets cold it becomes a solid. This then slows down the digestion process and it stored by the body.
  • Exercise - To many that is not a welcome option. Simply walking to the corner for the morning paper or washing the car twice a week can may a difference. Finding time to exercise can change your life.
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